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担任国际电子商务大会(International Conference of Electronic Commerce)组织主席;国际信息系统协会(AIS)注册会员以及中国CNAIS常务理事,管理现代化研究会电子商务与网络空间管理专委会常务理事,天津市工业工程协会理事。担任Electronic Commerce Research and Application期刊客座编辑;Decision Support Systems,Information & Management,Information Processing and Management, International Journal of Production Research 以及Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 等期刊匿名审稿人,美国信息系统年会(AMCIS),欧洲信息系统年会(ECIS),CSWIM等信息系统领域知名国际学术会议的Minitrack Chair, Section Chair以及匿名审稿人。


[1]      Liu, H., Li, Kai*., Chen, Y., Luo, X., Is personally identifiable information really more valuable? Evidence from consumers' willingness-to-accept valuation of their privacy information, Decision Support Systems(SCIIF=7.5), 2023, 173: 114010.

[2]      Wang, Y., Ngai., E.W.T., Li, Kai*., The effect of review content richness on product review helpfulness: The moderating role of rating inconsistency, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications(SCI/SSCI, IF=6.0), 2023, 61: 101290.

[3]      Li, Y., Luo, X., Li, Kai*., Xu, X., Exploring the spoiler effect in the digital age: Evidence from the movie industry, Decision Support Systems(SCIIF=7.5), 2022, Vol.157, 113755.

[4]      Li, Kai., Zhou, C., Luo, X., Benitez, J., Liao, Q., Impact of information timeliness and richness on public engagement on social media during COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical investigation based on NLP and machine learning, Decision Support Systems(SCIIF=7.5), 2022, Vol.162, 113752.

[5]      Li, Kai., Wang, X., Du, Timon C. Entrepreneurial Orientation, Online Credibility, and Online Performance: Evidence from SMEs in a B2B Electronic Market in China, Journal of Small Business Management(SSCI, IF=6.2), 2022, 60(1): 93-118.

[6]      Zhou, C., Li, Kai*., Xiaofei Zhang. Why do I take deviant disclosure behavior on internet platforms? An explanation based on the neutralization theory. Information Processing & Management (SSCI/SCI, IF=8.6), 2022, 59(1):1-20.

[7]      Lu X., Xie, Y., Zhang, B., Li, Kai*., Supply–Demand Docking Joint Decision of Cross-border E-commerce under the Influence of Internet Celebrity, Journal of Global Information Technology Management(SSCI, IF=3.519), 2022, 25:1, 54-82.

[8]      Zhou, C., Li, Kai*., Teng, Ching-I. Understanding the influence of privacy protection functions on continuance usage of push notification service, Aslib Journal of Information Management (SSCI, IF=2.6), 2022, 74(2): 202-224.

[9]      Zhou, C., Li, Kai*., Yanhong Lu. Linguistic characteristics and misinformation dissemination in social media: the moderating effect of information richness. Information Processing & Management (SSCI/SCI, IF=8.6), 2021, 58(6): 1-16.

[10]   Li, Kai., Zhou, C*., Yu, X. Exploring the differences of users’ interaction behaviors on microblog: The moderating role of microblogger’s effort. Telematics and Informatics(SSCI, IF=8.5), 2021, 59: 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2020.101553.

[11]   Qin, F., Li, Kai*., and Yan, J. Understanding user trust in artificial intelligence-based educational systems: Evidence from China, British Journal of Educational Technology(SSCI, IF=6.6), 2020, 51(5):1693-1710. doi:10.1111/bjet.12994

[12]   Li, Kai., Kim, D., Lang, K., Kauffman, R and Naldi, M. How should we understand the digital economy in Asia? Critical assessment and research agenda, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications(SCI/SSCI, IF=6.0), Nov2020, 44, 1-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.elerap.2020.101004.

[13]   Liu, Y., Ren, C., Shi, D., Li, Kai., Zhang, X*. Evaluating the Social Value of Online Health Information for Third-Party Patients: Is Uncertainty Always Bad? Information Processing & Management (SSCI/SCI, IF=8.6), 2020, 57: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2020.102259.

[14]   Guo, F., Zou, B., Zhang, X*., Bo, Q., Li, Kai. Financial Slack and Firm Performance of SMMEs in China: Moderating Effects of Government Subsidies and Market-supporting Institutions, International Journal of Production Economics(SCI, IF=12), 2020, 223:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.107530

[15]   Li, Kai., Liangqi Cheng., Teng, Ching-I. Voluntary sharing and mandatory provision: Private information disclosure on social networking sites, Information Process &Management(SSCI/SCI, IF=8.6), 2020, 57(1): 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2019.102128.

[16]   Pham, T.T.L.P., Teng, C.I., Friesner, D., Li, Kai., Wu, W.E., Liao, Y.N., Chang, Y.T., Chu, T.L. The impact of mentor–mentee rapport on nurses’ professional turnover intention: Perspectives of social capital theory and social cognitive career theory, Journal of Clinical Nursing (SCI/SSCI, IF=2.04). 2019, 28: 2669–2680. DOI:10.1111/jocn.14858

[17]   Li, Kai., Van Nguyen, H., Cheng, T.C.E., Teng, Ching-I. How Do Avatar Characteristics Affect Avatar Friendliness and Online Gamer Loyalty? Perspective of the Theory of Embodied Cognition, Internet Research(SCI/SSCIIF=5.9), 2018, 28(4): 1103-1121. https://doi.org/10.1108/IntR-06-2017-0246.

[18]   Tseng, Fan-Chen., Cheng, T. C. E., Li, Kai., Teng, Ching-I*. How Does Media Richness Contribute to Customer Loyalty to Mobile Instant Messaging? Internet Research(SCI/SSCIIF= 5.9), 2017, 27(3): 520-537. DOI: 10.1108/IntR-06-2016-0181.

[19]   Li, Kai., Wang, X. Li, K., Che, J. Information Privacy Disclosure on Social Network Sites: An Empirical Investigation from Social Exchange Perspective, Nankai Business Review International, 2016, 7(3): 282-300. DOI: 10.1108/NBRI-02-2015-0005.

[20]   Tong, L., Li, Kai., Zhou, Q. Seasons, Sexes and Ages as Modifiers in the Association of Psychosis Morbidity with Air Pollutants: A Rising Problem in A Metropolis, Science of the Total Environment(SCIIF=9.8), 2016, 541(15): 928–933. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.09.066

[21]   Li, Kai., Du, Timon C. Building a boundary-spanning service for coopetition, Expert systems with Applications(SCIIF=8.5), 2015, 42: 8413-8422.

[22]   Li, Kai., Lin, Z., Wang, X. An Empirical Analysis of Users' Privacy Disclosure Behaviors on Social Network Sites, Information & Management(SCI/SSCIIF= 9.9), 2015, 52(7): 882-891, doi:10.1016/j.im.2015.07.006.

[23]   Tseng, Fan-Chen., and Li, Kai (Corresponding author). Why Do Users Intend to Use Near Field Communication Services? International Journal of Mobile Communications (SSCI, IF=0.965), 2015, 13(4): 415- 432.

[24]   Tong L, Li Kai, Zhou Q. The association between air pollutants and morbidity for diabetes and liver diseases modified by sexes, ages, and seasons in Tianjin, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research(SCI, IF=5.8), 2015, 22(2): 1215-1219. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3432-4.

[25]   Tong L, Li Kai, Zhou Q. Promoted Relationship of Cardiovascular Morbidity with Air Pollutants in a Typical Chinese Urban Area. PLoS ONE(SCI, IF=3.7), 2014, 9(9): e108076. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108076

[26]   Che, Jianguo., Wang, Jing., Li, Kai. A Monte Carlo Based Robustness Optimization Method in New Product Design Process: A Case Study, American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2014, 4(7): 360-369.

[27]   Li, Kai., Yan, Jianyuan., Lin, Zhangxi. A Knowledge-based System for Supply Chain Process Modeling, Reuse, and Redesign, International Journal of Electronic Business, 2012, 10(2): 142-166.

[28]   Li, Kai., Du, Timon C. Building a Targeted Mobile Advertising System for Location-Based Services, Decision Support Systems(SCIIF=7.5), 2012, 54(3): 1-8.

[29]   Li, Kai., Idemudia, Efosa.C., Lin, Zhangxi., and Yu, Yang. A framework for intermediated online targeted advertising with banner ranking mechanism, Information System and e-Business Management (SSCIIF=0.953), 2012, 10(2): 183-200.

[30]   Li, Kai., Wang, Xiaowen., Zhao, Fuhou., Li, Minsheng. the impact of environmental regulations on manufacturing industries in the developed area of China, Journal of Japan Society for Information and Management, 2012, 33(1): 1-10.

[31]   李凯,数字经济正成为全球复苏新引擎,经济参考报2021317日,第002版。

[32]   严建援,李扬,冯淼,李凯,网络口碑中的剧透效应 ——来自电影市场的证据,《南开管理评论》CSSCI,自然科学基金委A类重要期刊2020年,第4期,37-48页。

[33]   严建援,李扬,冯淼,李凯,用户问答与在线评论对消费者产品态度的交互影响,《管理科学》CSSCI,自然科学基金委A类重要期刊2020年,第2期,102-113页。

[34]   徐梦,李凯,考虑海外代购的品牌商定价模型研究. 运筹与管理》CSSCI,自然科学基金委A类重要期刊2020年,第8期,148-157

[35]   李扬,严建援,秦芬,李凯,冯淼,在线品牌社区免费试用贡献的影响因素研究,《运筹与管理》(CSSCI,自然科学基金委A类重要期刊),2019年,第28卷,第12期,185-193页。

[36]   李扬,严建援,冯淼,李凯,在线评论和网络论坛对高涉入度产品关注度的动态影响研究,《软科学》(CSSCI),2020年,第34卷,第1期,51-57页。

[37]   严建援,秦芬,李凯,订阅型在线知识付费的商业模式研究,《管理学报》(CSSCI,商学院中文C2019,第16卷,第9期,1405-1414页。

[38]   秦芬,严建援,李凯,知识型微信公众号的内容特征对个人使用行为的影响研究,《情报理论与实践》(CSSCI,商学院中文C2019年,42卷,第7期,106-112页。

[39]   李凯,于艺,社会化媒体中的网络隐私披露研究综述及展望,《情报理论与实践》(CSSCI,商学院中文C2018年,41卷,第12 期,155-160页。

[40]   师斌,李凯,严建援,基于隐私视角的LBS 用户使用意向研究,《科研管理》2018年, 39 卷,第4 期,64-73页。

[41]   车建国,赵赛,李凯,基于蒙特卡洛分析的稳健性优化方法——以白金纳米粒子沉积过程为例,《数学的实践与认知》201848卷,第6期,27-36页。

[42]   李凯,孙建华,严建援,间接和混合渠道下零售商引入自有品牌的影响分析,《运筹与管理》(CSSCI,自然科学基金委A类重要期刊),2017年,26卷,第1期,103-112页。

[43]   李凯,黄敬尧,王晓文,LBS用户信息公开意愿影响因素分析,《情报学报》(CSSCI,自然科学基金委A类重要期刊),20161月,35卷,1期,84-97页。

[44]   李凯,万凯琲,严建援,多制造商情境下考虑自有品牌模仿策略的渠道博弈分析,《系统工程》CSSCI,自然科学基金委B类重要期刊),2015年,33卷,10期,22-27

[45]   李凯,严建援,林漳希,信息系统领域网络精准广告研究综述,《南开管理评论》(CSSCI,自然科学基金委A类重要期刊),2015年,18卷,2期,147-160

[46]   李凯,邓智文,严建援,搜索引擎营销研究综述及展望,《外国经济与管理》(CSSCI2014年,36卷,10期,13-21页。

[47]   田新,王晓文,李凯,陈洁,酒店收益管理战略关键驱动因素:基于中国高星级酒店的实证研究《旅游科学》(CSSCI2014Vol.28No.465-80页。

[48]   王晓文,黄慧婷,李凯. 基于创业资源的会展经济效应作用机制多案例研究,《旅游科学》(CSSCI2014Vol.28No.261-73页。

[49]   王晓文,田新,李凯,胡质健,收益管理决策行为及绩效水平的影响因素研究——以中国高星级酒店为例,《旅游学刊》CSSCI来源刊,旅游管理中文顶级期刊2013年,28卷,9期,25-33页。

[50]   王晓文,李凯,参展观众使用虚拟会展的影响因素,《社会科学家》CSSCI扩展2013年,Vol.199No.1183-86页。

[51]   李凯,孙旭丽,严建援. 移动支付系统使用意愿影响因素分析:基于交换理论的实证研究,《管理评论》CSSCI,自然科学基金委A类重要期刊),Vol.25, No.3, 2013101-110

[52]   李凯,张迎冬,严建援. 需求均匀分布条件下的供应链渠道协调基于激励与惩罚的双重契约,《中国管理科学》CSSCI,自然科学基金委A类重要期刊),2012年,20卷,3期,1-9页。

[53]   李凯,王晓文,隐私关注对旅游网站个性化服务的影响机制研究,《旅游学刊》CSSCI来源刊,旅游管理中文顶级期刊),2011年,26卷,6期,80-86页。

[54]   严建援、李凯、张路, 一种基于语法的供应链流程定义元模型,《管理科学学报》(CSSCI,国家自然科学基金委认定A类重要期刊)2010年,13卷,6期,33-43

[55]   李凯、严建援、王晓文,供应链流程绩效评估模型及其系统实现,《计算机工程》2009年,35卷,23期,66-70

[56]   王晓文,张玉利,李凯. 创业资源整合的战略选择和实现手段分析——基于租金创造机制视角,《经济管理》(CSSCI2009年,31卷,1期,61-66页。

[57]   王晓文,田新,李凯.供应链治理结构的影响因素分析——基于集中式外卖模式的案例研究.《软科学》(CSSCI2009年,23卷,7期,46-56页。

[58]   王晓文,张玉利,李凯. 新企业生成过程中社会资本来源及转化路径研究,《软科学》(CSSCI2009年,23卷,3期,6-9页。

[59]   严建援、李凯、师斌,供应链建模方法研究综述,《物流技术》2008年,第27卷,第10期,184-189已被人大复印资料全文转载



Ø  国家社会科学基金项目“基于文本挖掘的网络社会化媒体用户隐私披露研究”(18BGL267)
Ø  国家自然科学基金项目“网络个性化精准服务中的消费者隐私决策问题研究”(71302017
Ø  教育部人文社会科学研究项目“网络精准服务中消费者隐私决策过程与机理研究”(11YJC630099
Ø  中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“SNS用户隐私提供和发布意愿影响因素研究”(NKZXB1456
Ø  中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“移动商务环境下的信任,风险感知与隐私关注关系及对行为意向的作用机理研究”(NKZXB10107

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