中文 | Nankai University

Huan LIU

Huan LIU
Associate Professor
Tel: 23504860 (Office:906; Opening hours: 2:00-4:00PM, Thursday)
  • Biography

  • Research & Achievement

  • Projects

  • Teaching

Research Areas

Omnichannel/multichannel retailing, digital marketing, consumer behavior in online communities


2016.09-2019.05 the second PhD, University of Groningen, the Netherland
Supervisor: Prof. Peter C. Verhoef; Daily supervisor: Dr. Lara Lobshcat

2013.09-2019.07 M.S & the first PhD, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China
Supervisor: Prof. Hong Zhao

2009.08-2013.07 Bachelor, Lanzhou University, P.R. China
Supervisor: Mr. Ligong Zhang

Professional Experience

2019.08- Assistant professor, Marketing Department, Business School, Nankai University, P.R. China

Social Service

Reviewers for:
Journal of Business Research, Nankai Business Review International, AMA conference papers, EMAC conference papers
Teaching assistant for Prof. P.K Kannan at an EMBA program in the July of 2019, China

    1.Liu, Huan, ShumanZheng, and Dongjin Li*. "PC vs.App vs. Mweb: Price discounts' effect on customer purchases across digitalchannels in China." Nankai Business Review International, available online March 28, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1108/NBRI-06-2022-0064 
2. Liu,Huan, Kai Li*,Yan Chen, and Xin (Robert) Luo. "Is personally identifiable informationreally more valuable? Evidence from consumers' willingness-to-accept valuation of theirprivacy information." Decision Support Systems, available online 13 May 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2023.114010 

    3.Liu, Huan*, and F. Javier Sese. "The impact of mobile app adoption on cross-buying: The moderatingroles of product category characteristics and adoption timing." Journal of Retailing98.2 (2022): 241-259. 

    4.Liu, Huan*, Lara Lobschat,Peter C. Verhoef, and Hong Zhao. "The effect of permanent productdiscounts and order coupons on purchase incidence, purchase quantity, andspending." Journal of Retailing97.3 (2021):377-393. 

    5.刘欢赵红*. 基于外卖 Apps 的移动终端购买意愿研究[J]. 管理评论, 2021, 33(2): 207-216. [国家自然科学基金委员会认定的A类期刊]

   6.Liu, Huan*, LaraLobschat, Peter C. Verhoef, and Hong Zhao. "App adoption: The effect onpurchasing of customers who have used a mobile website previously." Journal of Interactive Marketing47 (2019): 16-34. 

    7.Liu, Huan*, Lara Lobschat, and Peter C. Verhoef. "Multichannel retailing: A review and researchagenda." Foundations and Trends® in Marketing, 12.1(2018): 1-79. [Marketing Review Journal]

    8.Liu, Huan, Yao Zhang*,Yuelin Li, and Kendra Albright. "Better interaction performance attractsmore  chronic patients? Evidence from an online health platform." Information Processing and Management. 2023, 60, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2023.103413 

  1.     9.Zhang, Yao, Xueying Zhang, Yuelin Li, ZhenpingLin*,Xiaoming Li, Xiaoming Tu, Yeqin Zhou,Dongfu Qian, and Huan Liu"The Utilization of Mobile Phones in Health Information Seeking in Rural China.Libri, 72.3(2022): 297-315. 
Academic books:
1.Liu, Huan, and Peter C.Verhoef, "Multi/omni and cross-channel distribution", Chapter in theRESER-Elgar Encyclopedia of Service Studies, 2023.
2. Omnichannel Retailing: Mobile Channel Adoption and Digital Discounts

Liu, H., 2019, [Groningen]: University of Groningen, SOM Research School, p.1-185. (PhD thesis)
3. Liu, H. (2015), "Theory of Marketing Innovation," IN Hong Zhao (Eds), Marketing Innovation: Theory, Method, and Case (pp.xx-xx). Beijing: Higher Education Press.

Academic presentations:
2019 Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy
2019 The European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Hamburg, Germany
2018 Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Philadelphia, US
2017 Workshop on Omnichannel Retailing at IMMD, MERCUR, University of Lille, France


National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 72202104, 2023.01-2025.12)


Marketing Modeling
Marketing Principles
Global Marketing
Marketing Theories and Methods (PhD course)

Business Data and Customer Value Analysis (MBA course)