Research & Achievement
Journal Papers (first author or corresponding author)
1 Does CEO Emotion Matter? CEO Affectivity and Corporate Social Responsibility. Strategic Management Journal. 2023. (UTD24, ABS4*)
2 The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: The Relationship Between Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Work Effort. Journal of Business Ethics.2023, 1-14. (FT50, JCR Q1)
3 Newcomers' reaction to the abusive supervision toward peers during organizational socialization. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2021, 128, 103586. (ABS4, JCR Q1)
4 Does leader turnover intention hinder team innovation performance? The roles of leader self-sacrificial behavior and empathic concern. Journal of Business Research, 2019, 104, 261-270. (ABS3, JCR Q1)
5 How does CEO regulatory focus matter? The impacts of CEO promotion and prevention focus on firm strategic change. Group & Organization Management, 2020, 45(3), 386-416. (ABS3)
6 Leveraging Interfirm Relationships in China: Western Relational Governance or Guanxi? Domestic Versus Foreign Firms. Journal of International Marketing, 2020, 28(4), 58-74. (ABS3)
7 Leader information seeking, team performance and team innovation: Examining the roles of team reflexivity and cooperative outcome interdependence. Information Processing & Management, 2020, 57(6), 102343. (JCR Q1)
8 Minding the gap: the effect of CEO underpayment on firm-specific knowledge. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2020, 24(9), 1367-3270. (JCR Q1)
9 Team Leader Job Anxiety and Team Innovation: The Roles of Self-Serving Behavior and Psychological Entitlement. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022. (ABS3, JCR Q1)
10 Adverse Effects of Leader Family-to-Work Conflict on Team Innovation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022. (ABS3, JCR Q1)
11 How and When Leader Job Insecurity Influences Engineer In-Role and Extra-Role Behaviors. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2024. (ABS3, JCR Q1)
12 The role of cognitive processes and individual differences in the relationship between abusive supervision and employee career satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences. 2016, 99, 155-160. (ABS3)
13 Shared leadership and team effectiveness: the examination of LMX differentiation and servant leadership on the emergence and consequences of shared leadership. Human Performance, 2017, 30(4), 155-168. (ABS3)
14 The effect of CEO entrepreneurial orientation on firm strategic change: The moderating roles of managerial discretion. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 2020, 59, 101616. (JCR Q2)
15 Effects of Project Leader Workplace Anxiety on Project Team Member Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model. Project Management Journal, 2021, 52(4), 340-353. (JCR Q2)
16 How CEO underpayment influences strategic change: the equity perspective. Management Decision, 2017, 55(10), 2277-2292. (JCR Q2)
17 How analyst recommendation change influences strategic change: The moderating role of CEO power and board’s informal hierarchy. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2018, 31(6), 1234-1248.