中文 | Nankai University


Management Science & Engineering
Tel: 022-23509660
  • Biography

  • Research & Achievement

  • Projects

  • Teaching

Research Areas

Logistics Outsourcing and Supply ChainIntegration, Circular Economy, Agricultural Logistics and Food Supply Chain Management, Food Loss and Waste


Deputy Head of the Dept. ofManagement Science & Engineering


2004.7,PhD in Economics

Professional Experience

2006.4-, Nankai University
2014.3-2016.1,Visiting Scholar, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University

2010.9-2011.3,Visiting Scholar, Dept. of ISOM, Auckland U, NZ


[1]  2012, TheSecond Prize of Outstanding Achievements in Education, Nankai  University

[2]  2009, TheFirst Prize of Outstanding Achievements in Education, Nankai University

[3]  2007, TheFirst Prize of National Contest On Logistics Design by University Students(NCOLD), Ministry of Education's Steering Committee on the Teaching ofLogistics in Higher Educational Institutions

Social Service

[1] 2019-present, Council Member, Society of Management Science and Engineering of China.

[2]  2009-Present,General Secretary of Tianjin Logistics Manager Club

[3]  2002-Present,CPA China, Non-Practicing Member
[4] Reviewer, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,  

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics,  International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, etc.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

  1. Tackling food waste: The role of food suppliers’ investment in preservation technology and government intervention, International Journal of Production Economics, 2025, 282, 109542. (ABS-3, ABDC-A)
  2. Multidimensional container shippingalliance decisions among competitors: Impact of capacity constraints and marketcompetition, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and TransportationReview, 2024, 190, 103694. (ABS-3, ABDC-A*)
  3. Untangling the critical success factors of the latest compulsory waste sorting initiative in Shanghai: The role of accountability governance, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 444, 141268. (SCI一区,ABS-2/ABDC-A)
  4. Evaluating the environmental impact of agri-food waste reduction: A bibliographic analysis and conceptual framework, Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2024, 105, 107425. (SSCI,1区)
  5. Antecedents and performance outcomes of circular procurement: An empirical study in China, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management2023, 100882. (ABS-3/ ABDC-A)
  6. Barriers to compulsory waste sorting for a circular economy in China. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023, 342, 118180. (ABS-3/ABDC-A)
  7.  Antecedents of circular manufacturing and its effect on environmental and financial performance: A practice-based view. International Journal of Production Economics. 2023, 260, 108866. (ABS-3/ABDC-A)
  8. Mapping social media engagement in the food supply chain. Technological Forecasting & Social Change .2023, 192, 122547. (ABS-3/ABDC-A)
  9. Food supply chain waste reduction for a circular economy in the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study of New Zealand consumers. The International Journal of Logistics Management. 2023. (ABS-2/ABDC-A)
  10. Reducing food loss and waste in supply chain operations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2022, 162, 102730 (ABS-3/ABDC-A*).
  11. Circular Supply Chain Management: Performance Outcomes and the Role of Eco-industrial Parks in China. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2022, 157, 102596. (ABS-3/ABDC-A*)
  12. Robust Optimization for Energy Transition Planning in Manufacturing Firms: An Integrated Model Addressing Economic and Environmental Issues. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 334, 130237. (ABS-2/ABDC-A)
  13. Barriers to Sustainable Food Consumption and Production in China: A Fuzzy DEMATEL Analysis from a Circular Economy Perspective. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 2021, 28, 1114-1129. (SCI 2区)
  14. Internet of Things (IoT)-Enabled Accountability in Source Separation of Household Waste for A Circular Economy in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 300, 126773. (ABS-2/ABDC-A)
  15. Barriers to circular food supply chains in China, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2019, 24(5): 677-696. (ABS-3/ABDC-A)
  16. Third-party purchase: An empirical study of third-party logistics providers in China, International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 171: 189-200. (ABS-3/ABDC-A)
  17. Improving logistics outsourcing performance through transactional and relational mechanisms under transaction uncertainties: Evidence from China, International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 175: 12-23. (ABS-3/ABDC-A).
  18. Third-party purchase: An empirical study of Chinese third-party logistics users, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2016,36(3): 332-356. (ABS-4/ABDC-A)
  19. The Economics and Feasibility of Traceability in Agri-food Supply Chain: Analysis with Game Theory between Double Oligarchs. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013 (397-400). (EI)
  20. 基于Malmquist生产力指数的中国钢铁产业动态生产效率分析学习与探索,2008(1).
  21. 第三方物流的契约理论分析学习与探索,2006(2).
  22. 食品供应链中的物流外包问题研究经济经纬, 2006(3).
  23. 亚太物流市场分析亚太经济,2006(3).
  24. 逆向物流与闭环供应链管理问题研究南京社会科学,2006(5).
  25. 物流外包边界问题研究中国工业经济,2005(8).
  26. 欧盟交通运输政策及其启示亚太经济,2005(5).
  27. 物流外包的交易成本理论分析商业经济与管理, 2005(9).
  28. 试论以员工为中心的管理理念外国经济与管理, 2003(1). (人大复印资料全文转载)
  29. 西方第三方物流理论述评中国流通经济,2003(8).
  30. 公有制与私有制问题的再研究理论学刊,2003(1).
  31. 浅议绿色物流生态经济,2002(8).
  32. 加入WTO与我国外贸出口面临的绿色壁垒问题亚太经济,2002(3).

[1]   Quantitative Model Research on Collaboration between Supply Chain NodeEnterprise and TPL: an Inventory Optimization Approach[C] // Proceedings of 2010 International Conferenceon e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 2010: 146-149.

[2]   Researchon the Cost Control Method of the Green Agricultural Product Sealed SupplyChain Based on the Total Process Analysis[C] // Proceedings of 2010 Second International Conference on E-learning,E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and E-Government. 2010:273-276. (EI) 

[3]   Research on the Capability Factors for China Foreign Trade-basedLogistics Companies Strategic Transformation in Global Financial Crisis Time[C]// Proceedings of 2010 3rd InternationalConference on Information Management, Innovation Management and IndustrialEngineering, 2010: 116-121. (EI)

 Books and Chapters

[1]   Qualitative Research in Business & Management. Tianjin: Nankai UniversityPress. 2018  

[2]   LogisticsManagement. Beijing: Jiaotong University Press, 2015.

[3]   ResearchMethodologies in Supply Chain Management, Tianjin: Nankai University Press,2013.   

[4]  Storageand Distribution Management. Tianjin: Publishing House of Electronics Industry,2011. 
[5] Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chain Management, Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2009.  


[1]. 2021, Barriers to Effective Compulsory Waste Sorting for aCircular Economy in China. The British Academy.

[2]. 2019, Researchon the Formation and Reduction Mechanisms of Agricultural Product Post-harvest Lossin the context of Supply Chain, the National Social Science Foundation of China.

[3]. 2017, Researchon Food Value Chain Integration and Circulation Loss: an approach ofAgricultural Supply Side Structural Reform Theory. The Ministry of Education ofHumanities and Social Science project.

[4]. 2013, Ministryof Education, Major Comprehensive Reform Pilot Program (Teaching Project)

[5]. 2012, Researchon SCM and Food Safety, the Fundamental Research Funds for the CentralUniversities of China.

[6]. 2010, Researchon Supply Chain Circulation Model of China’s Agricultural Products in thecontext of IOT, the National Social Science Foundation of China.

[7]. 2009, OperationMode of Reverse Logistics for High-tech Products, TheMinistry of Education of Humanities and Social Science project.


Supply Chain Management Frontiers, LiteratureRetrieval & Academic Paper Writing, Management Research Methodology, Sustainable Supply Chain Management