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2014年9月–2018年9月: 香港理工大学工商管理学院   哲学博士(运营管理)
2014年9月–2018年7月: 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院      管理学博士(管理信息系统)
2012年8月–2014年7月: 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院      管理学硕士(管理信息系统


2020年12月至今                  南开大学商学院  副教授,博士生导师(22年6月获评)
2018年11月–2020年12月      南开大学商学院  助理教授,硕士生导师(20年6月获评)
2016年02月–2017年01月      美国亚利桑那大学管理信息系统系 访问学者


2023年10月:CNAIS 2023大会推荐论

202211月:南开大学 “师生同行”社会实践优秀指导教师





202010月:European Journal of Information Systems年度最佳论文提名奖


202001: 天津市131创新型人才培养工程(第二层次)

202001: 黑龙江省高校人文社科研究优秀成果一等奖

201912: 天津市第六届行政管理科研成果三等奖

201912: 阿里“活水计划”优秀学者(阿里研究院)

201907: 优秀博士学位论文(哈尔滨工业大学)

201901: 杰出审稿人(Elsevier,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

201810: 黑龙江省社会科学优秀成果一等奖

201711: 国际信息系统会议(ICIS)最佳论文提名奖、领域最佳论文奖

201710: 中国信息系统年会青年论坛最佳论文奖

201709: 第六届黄梯云奖励基金创新研究特等奖

201607: 辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖




























1)        Xiaofei Zhang, Chunxiao Yin, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, (in press). The Role ofPrevious Affective Responses in the Continuance of mHealth Monitoring Services:A Longitudinal Investigation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

2)        Fanbo Meng, Yixuan Liu, Xiaofei Zhang*,Libo Liu, (in press). General Knowledge-sharing and Patient Engagementin Online Health Communities: An Inverted U-Shaped Relationship. Journal ofKnowledge Management

3)        Hongying Tan, Xiaofei Zhang, Yefei Yang,(in press). Satisfaction or gratitude? Exploring the disparate effects ofphysicians' knowledge sharing on patients' service evaluation in online medicalconsultations. Information Systems Journal

4)        Yixuan Liu, Xiaofei Zhang*, Libo Liu, andKee-hung Lai, 2023. Does voice matter? Investigating patient satisfaction onmobile health consultation. Information Processing & Management.60(4): 103362.

5)        Xiaofei Zhang, Yixuan Liu, Ziru Qin, Zilin Ye, Fanbo Meng (2023). Understanding therole of social media usage and health self-efficacy in the processing ofCOVID-19 rumors: A SOR perspective. Data and Information Management:100043

6)        Feng Guo, Xiaofei Zhang*, Paul Lee, Editorial:Digital information for patient education. Front. Public Health

7)        刘益凡, 郝喆, 张彤, 杨婉琦, 张晓飞*, (in press). 双渠道诊疗模式下基层医生在线服务溢出效应实证研究. 图书情报知识

8)        王孝盼, 张淼, 吴懿, 张晓飞. 社交媒体中健康信息可信度的影响因素研究:先验知识的调节作用. 信息资源管理学

9)        Peng Ouyang, Jiaming Liu, Xiaofei Zhang,(in press). Achieving Popularity to Attract More Patients via Free KnowledgeSharing in the Online Health Community. Aslib Journal of InformationManagement

10)    Feng Guo, Apan Zhou, Xiaofei Zhang*, Xinxiang Xu, Xuekun Liu,2023. Fighting rumors to fight COVID-19: Investigating rumor belief and sharingon social media during the pandemic. Computers in Human Behavior. 139:107521 (SSCI, IF: 8.957).

11)    Yulin Yang,Xuekun Zhu, Ruidi Song, Xiaofei Zhang*,Feng Guo, 2023. Not Just for the Money? An Examination of the Motives behindPhysicians’ Sharing of Paid Health Information. Journal of Information Science (SSCI&SCI, IF: 2.410).

12)    Xiao Huang, Pu Sun, and Xiaofei Zhang, and Jiang Wu, 2022. Whataffects patients’ choice of consultant: an empirical study of online doctorconsultation service. Electronic Commerce Research, 1-23 (SSCI, IF:3.462).

13)    Fanbo Meng, Xiaofei Zhang*, and Libo Liu, 2022. User psychologyand behavior regarding healthcare IT. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:1068517 (SSCI, IF: 4232).

14)    王思齐,陆秦妍,徐馨香,秦子儒,张晓飞, 2022. 在线医患交互对慢性病患者依从性影响研究:基于患者特征与满意度视角. 信息资源管理学报. 12(6): 70-83.

15)    Fanbo Meng, Xitong Guo, Zeyu Peng, XiaofeiZhang, Kee-hung Lai, 2022. Understanding the antecedents of the routine useof mobile health services: A person–technology–health framework. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 879760(SSCI, IF: 4232).

16)    Cheng Zhou, Kai Li, Xiaofei Zhang,2022. Why do I take deviant disclosure behavior on internet platforms? Anexplanation based on the neutralization theory. Information Processing &Management. 59(1): 102785 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 6.222).

17)    Xiaofei Zhang, Hongying Tan, Chunxiao Yin, Dingyu Shi, 2021.Does an Image Facilitate the Sharing of Negative News on Social Media? AnExperimental Investigation. Library &Information Science Research. 43(4):101120 (SSCI, IF: 2.730).

18)    Xiumei Ma, Xiaofei Zhang*, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, DougVogel, 2021. Examining the role of ICT usage in loneliness perception andmental health of the elderly in China. Technology in Society. 67: 101718 (SSCI,IF: 4.192).

19)    张晓飞, 任畅畅, 刘一璇, 2021. 新冠疫情背景下谣言信任与后果产生机制研究图书情报知识. 38(3): 99-110.

20)    Peng Luo,Xiumei Ma, Xiaofei Zhang*, JianweiLiu, Huiwen He, 2021. How to Make Money with Credit Information? InformationProcessing on Online Accommodation-Sharing. TourismManagement. 87: 104384 (SSCI, IF: 7.432).

21)    Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Shuk Ying Ho, Kee-hungLai, Doug Vogel, 2021. Effects of Emotional Attachment on MobileHealth-Monitoring Service Usage: An Affect Transfer Perspective. Information & Management. 58(2): 103312 (SSCI&SCI, IF:5.155).

22)    Fanbo Meng, XiaofeiZhang*, Libo Liu, Changchang Ren, 2021. Converting Readers to Patients?From Free to Paid Knowledge-Sharing in Online Health Communities. InformationProcessing & Management. 58(3):102490 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 4.787).

23)    Chunxiao Yin, XiaofeiZhang*, 2020. Incorporating Message Format into User Evaluation ofMicroblog Information Credibility: A Nonlinear Perspective. InformationProcessing & Management.57(6): 102345 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 4.787).

24)    Jianwei Liu, Xiaofei Zhang, Fanbo Meng, Kee-hung Lai,2020. Deploying Gamification to Engage Physicians in an Online HealthCommunity: An Operational Paradox. InternationalJournal of Production Economics. 228: 107847 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 5.134).

25)    Feng Guo,Qingwen Bo, Tong Xun, Xiaofei Zhang*, 2020. A Paradoxical View of Speedand Quality on Operational Outcome: An Empirical Investigation of Innovation inHigh-Tech Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. International Journal of Production Economics. 229: 107780(SSCI&SCI, IF: 5.134).

26)    Yixuan Liu,Changchang Ren, Dingyu Shi, Kai Li, XiaofeiZhang*, 2020.  Evaluating the SocialValue of Online Health Information for Third-Party Patients: Is UncertaintyAlways Bad? Information Processing & Management. 57: 102259 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 4.787).

27)    Fanbo Meng,Xitong Guo*, Zeyu Peng, Xiaofei Zhang, Doug Vogel, 2020. A 2020Perspective on “The Routine Use of Mobile Health Services in the Presence ofHealth Consciousness”. ElectronicCommerce Research and Applications. 40: 100931 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 3.824).

28)    Xitong Guo,Shuqing Chen, Xiaofei Zhang, XiaofengJu, Xifu Wang, 2020. Exploring Patients' Intentions for Continuous Usage ofmHealth Services: Elaboration-Likelihood Perspective Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 8(4): e17258(SCI, IF: 4.313).

29)    Xiaofei Zhang, Feng Guo, Tianxue Xu, Yongli Li,2020. What Motivates Physicians to Share Free Health Information on OnlineHealth Platforms? Information Processing & Management. 57: 102166 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 4.787).

30)    Feng Guo, BoZou, Xiaofei Zhang*, Qingwen Bo, KaiLi, 2020. Financial Slack and Firm Performance of SMMEs in China: ModeratingEffects of Government Subsidies and Market-supporting Institutions. International Journal of ProductionEconomics. 223: 107530 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 5.134).

31)    Chunxiao Yin, Xiaofei Zhang*, Libo Liu,2020. Reposting Negative Information on Microblogs: Do PersonalityTraits Matter? Information Processing & Management. 57(1):1-18 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 4.787).

32)    Xiaofei Zhang, Chunxiao Yin, Xitong Guo,Kee-hung Lai, Joseph Valacich, 2020. The Role of Decision Rationality on Users’Attitudes toward Utilitarian Mobile Service Usage. Communications ofthe AIS. 46(1): e10.

33)    Yan Li, Xiaofei Zhang*, Xitong Guo, LiuanWang (in press), Underlying Emotional Mechanisms of Routine M-Health Usein Chronically Ill Patients. IEEE Transactions on EngineeringManagement (SSCI&SCI, IF: 2.784).

34)    Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, YiWu, 2019. How does Interactional Unfairness Matter for Patient-DoctorRelationship Quality in Online Health Consultation? The Contingencies ofProfessional Seniority and Disease Severity. European Journal ofInformation Systems, 28(3):336-354 (AIS Top 6期刊之一、SSCI&SCI, IF: 2.600).

35)    Yefei Yang, Xiaofei Zhang*, Peter Lee, 2019.Improving the Effectiveness of Online Healthcare Platforms: An Empirical Studywith Multi-period Patient-doctor Consultation Data. InternationalJournal of Production Economics, 207: 70-80 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 5.134).

36)    Hualong Yang, Xiaofei Zhang*, 2019. Investigatingthe Effect of Paid and Free Feedback on Patients’ and Physicians’ Behaviors: PanelData Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(3):e12156 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 5.034).

37)    Fanbo Meng, Xitong Guo*, Zeyu Peng, Xiaofei Zhang*,Doug Vogel, 2019. The Routine Use of Mobile Health Services in the Presence ofHealth Consciousness. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,35: 100847 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 3.824).

38)    Fanbo Meng, Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, XinliZhao, Kee-hung Lai, 2019. How do Patients with Chronic Diseases Make UsageDecisions Regarding Mobile Health Monitoring Service. Journal ofHealthcare Engineering. 2019: 1351305 (SCI, IF: 1.803).

39)    Liuan Wang, Tianshi Wu*, Xitong Guo,Xiaofei Zhang*, Yan Li, Weiguo Wang, 2018. Exploring mHealth MonitoringService Acceptance from a Service Characteristics Perspective. ElectronicCommerce Research and Applications, 30: 159-168 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 2.911).

40)    Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Yi Wu, Kee-hungLai, Doug Vogel, 2017. Exploring the Inhibitors of Online Health Service UseIntention: A Status Quo Bias Perspective. Information & Management,54(8): 987-997 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 3.890).

41)    Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai,Chunxiao Yin, Fanbo Meng, 2017. From Offline Healthcare to Online HealthcareService: The Role of Offline Healthcare Satisfaction and Habit. Journalof Electronic Commerce Research, 18(2): 138-154 (SSCI, IF: 1.667).

42)    Xiaofei Zhang, Kee-hung Lai, Xitong Guo, 2017.Promoting China's mHealth Market: A Policy Perspective, Health Policyand Technology, 6(4): 383-388 (SCI, IF: 1.167).

43)    Xiaofei Zhang, Xiaocui Han, Yuanyuan Dang,Fanbo Meng, Xitong Guo, Jiayue Lin, 2017. User Acceptance of Mobile HealthServices from Users’ Perspectives: The Role of Self-efficacy and Response-efficacyin Technology Acceptance. Informatics for Health and Social Care,42(2): 194-206 (SCI, IF: 1.381).

44)    Xitong Guo, Xiaofei Zhang, Yongqiang Sun,2016. The Privacy Personalization Paradox in mHealth Adoption of DifferentAges. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 16(2): 55-65(SSCI&SCI, IF: 1.954).

45)    Shanshan Guo, Xitong Guo, Xiaofei Zhang, DougVogel, 2016. Doctor-Patient Relationship Strength in an Online HealthcareCommunity. Information Technology for Development, 24(2):279-300(SSCI, IF: 1.333).

46)    Xitong Guo, Xiaocui Han, Xiaofei Zhang,Yuanyuan Dang, Chun Chen, 2015. Investigating mHealth Acceptance from aProtection Motivation Theory Perspective: Gender and Age Differences, Telemedicineand e-Health, 21(8): 661-669 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 1.791).

47)    Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, FengGuo, Chenlei Li, 2014. Understanding Gender Differences in m-Health Adoption: AModified Theory of Reasoned Action Model. Telemedicine and e-Health,20(1): 39-46 (SCI&SSCI, IF: 1.668).

48)    Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Feng Guo, Kee-hungLai, 2014. Nonlinearities in Personalization -Privacy Paradox in mHealthAdoption: The mediating role of Perceived Usefulness and Attitude. Technologyand Health Care, 22(4): 515–529 (SCI, IF: 0.697).

49)    郭熙铜张晓飞刘笑笑, DougVogel, 2017. 数据驱动的电子健康服务管理研究:挑战与展望管理科学, 30(1):3-14 (自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)

50)    李永立,吴冲,张晓飞2016. 考虑网络交互影响效应的评价者权重分配方法管理科学学报, 4: 33-44(自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)

51)    邹波,郭峰,熊新,张晓飞, 2015. 企业广度与深度吸收能力的形成机理与效用——基于264家企业数据的实证研究科学学研究, 33(3):432-439 (自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)


XiaofeiZhang,Jingchuan Pu, 2021. To Team up or not? Effects of Online Team-expertConsultation on Patient Recruitment and Healthcare Outcome of Physician Side. DecisionSciences Institute 52nd Annual Conference. Houston, US. Nov. 17-20.

Ruidi Song, Xuekun Zhu, Yulin Yang, Xiaofei Zhang, 2020. Not Just for theMoney? An Examination of the Motives behind Physicians’ Sharing of Paid HealthInformation. International Conference onDigital Health and Medical Analytics (DHA). Beijing, China, July 24-25.

Fanbo Meng, Xitong Guo, Xiaofei Zhang, Zeyu Peng, Kee-hung Lai, 2020. Examining the Role ofTechnology Anxiety and Health Anxiety on Elderly Users' Continuance Intentionfor Mobile Health Services Use. The 53rdHawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii, US, Jan. 7-10.

Xiaofei Zhang, Yi Wu, Joseph Valacich, Jeffrey Jenkins,Kai Li, 2019. How Online Patient-physician Interaction Influences PatientSatisfaction. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).Munich, Germany, Dec 14-18.

Xiaofei Zhang, Joseph Valacich, Jeffrey Jenkins, XitongGuo, 2018. The Influence of Buying vs. Receiving an IT-based Device on UserCommitment. Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, SanFrancisco, US, Dec 13.

Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, Yi Wu, 2018. Howdoes Interactional Unfairness Matter for Patient-Doctor Relationship Quality inOnline Health Consultation? The Contingencies of Professional Seniority andDisease Severity. International Conference on Smart Health, Wuhan,China, Jul 1-3.

Xiaofei Zhang, Wei Chen, Bin Gu, Xitong Guo, 2017. TheImpact of Introductory Incentives on New Users: Evidence from an Online HealthCommunity. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS),Seoul, Korea, Dec 10-13 (Best Paper Award in IT and HealthcareTrack and nominated as ICIS Best Paper).

Xiaofei Zhang, 2015. Exploring the Role of Enjoyment andAnxiety in Affective Response to mHealth: An Empirical Study among Patientswith Chronic Diseases. Doctoral Consortiumthe 19thPacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Singapore, Jul6-9.


2023年-2026年  主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于在线医疗社区的团队问诊模式形成与作用机制研究
2022年-2022年  主持中国科协高端科技创新智库青年项目:互联网医疗与社区医院联动机制研究
2021年-2023年  主持第三届天津市青年人才托举工程:互联网医疗大数据分析
2020年-2022年  主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:入门激励政策对在线医疗社区用户与平台影响研究
2019年-2019年  主持中央高校基本科研业务资金项目:移动医疗监测服务用户情感评估研究
2019年-2019年  主持阿里活水计划研究课题:医生参与互联网医疗影响因素及作用机制研究
2020年-2023年  参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于多模态机器学习的智能医疗决策知识推理研究
2019年–2022年  参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于移动服务的慢性病管理模式创新研究
2016年–2020年  参与国家自然科学基金重点项目:智能健康信息服务管理
2015年–2018年  参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于在线医疗社区的医患交互机制研究
2015年–2018年  参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于组织和个体视角的医疗信息技术动态影响研究




亚太信息系统会议(PACIS 2020)专题主席
美洲信息系统会议(AMCIS 2021)专题主席
国际期刊Electronic Commerce Research and Applications副主编
国际期刊Frontiers in Psychology客座副主编
国际期刊Frontiers in Public Health客座副主编

编委会:Information Processing and Management (IPM)、Data & Information Management
副主编:International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019,2022, 2023)
     Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2020, 2021,2022, 2023)
           荷兰研究基金(Dutch Research Council)
           Journal of MIS (JMIS)
           Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)
           Information & Management (I&M)
           Information Processing and Management (IPM)
           International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE)
           Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA)
           Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR)
           International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
           Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
           Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)