English | 南开大学


发布时间: 2018-07-16
浏览次数: 544

讲座题目:Value of Insurance in a Capital-Constrained Supply Chain






We investigate the value of financing insurance in a supply chain consisting of one supplier and one newsvendor-like retailer, in which the retailer is capital-constrained and in need of financing from a bank. The bank is risk-averse and sets a loan limit to control its credit risk unless the retailer buys an insurance to cover the risk. The analysis reveals that the supplier will reduce the wholesale price to encourage the retailer to buy insurance and the optimal wholesale price decreases with the fixed premium, which implies that a higher fixed premium might hurt the supplier but benefit the retailer and the entire supply chain. Furthermore, if the production cost is low, the supplier is willing to share a portion of the premium when the insurance is too expensive for the retailer. Although the supplier can benefit from providing a supplier-owned insurance or trade credit, it is shown that the bank credit with third party insurance is valuable in a variety of scenarios.


蔡港树博士,美国圣塔克拉拉大学终身正教授,东北财经大学国际商学院海外院长,现代供应链管理研究院院长,国家自然科学基金海外杰出青年基金获得者,基金委会评专家。主要研究方向是电子商务、多渠道供应链管理、供应链金融等领域。在国际顶级及权威期刊上发表论文30多篇。主持过美国国家科学基金、中国国家自然科学基金等各类科研项目20余项。荣获过国际电子商务大会最佳论文奖,堪萨斯州立大学商学院杰出教学和杰出研究奖,圣塔克拉拉大学的院长卓越教学、卓越研究、和卓越服务奖,利威商学院最高影响力教学奖及最高影响力服务奖,Decision Sciences杰出副主编奖,和国际市场与运营管理协会Skinner教学创新奖。现为国际顶级期刊Production and Operations Management资深编辑、权威期刊Decision Sciences副主编。