中文 | Nankai University

Junzhen LIU

Junzhen LIU
Associate Professor
Human Resource Management
Tel: 022-23500539(O); 13820918888
  • Biography

  • Research & Achievement

  • Projects

  • Teaching

Research Areas

Human Resource Management and Innovation;
Cross-Cultural Adaptation Management;
Systems and Complex Systems;
Human Resource Services Industry and Entrepreneurship


1992.07Bachelor, Tianjin Institute of Light Industry, Department of Automation

1999.06Master, Nankai University, International Business School

2007.12Ph.D.,Nankai University,Business School

Professional Experience

1992.9-1996.9China Construction Sixth Bureau

1999.3--presentDepartment of Human Resource Management, Nankai University, BusinessSchool


[1] 2014, Award for Excellent Paper of China HumanResource Development Teaching and Practice Academy, “Green Human Resource Managementin Enterprises: Systematic Framework and Strategic Choices”

[2] 2013, The first prize of Nankai University TeachingAward, (Group Award)

Social Service


[1] 2012.6, Specially Invited Professor of NationalNetwork Training Center for University Teachers, Ministry of Education

[2] 2012.10, Member of Promoting Democracy TianjinHigher Education Committee


Cross-Border HumanResources Management: Simple Induction and the Reconstruction of Enterprises’ HumanResource Management System, Chinese teaching and practice of human resourcesdevelopment Seminar of the 14th Annual Conference, 2013.8, Wujiaqu, Xinjiang,China.

1) Liu Junzhen, Wang Zeyu, Jiang Shenyan.Future work trends: Based on the evolution of gig workers and flexiblecorporate employment [J]. Tsinghua Management Review, 2020(4): 71-79

2) Liu Junzhen, Ji Yunfei, Wang Hongxuan, LiuYu, Development Paths and Mechanisms of Green Collar Human Resource in China:Based on Classification and Green Literacy Survey, International Journal ofNatural Resource Ecology and Management. Vol. 3, No. 5 , 2018, pp. 89-96 (OA)

3) Liu Junzhen, Wang Hongxuan, Xing Chen.Organizational "flow" from the perspective of people and managementideas and strategies based on "flow" [J]. Education Modernization,2018, 5(43): 302-306, 315

4) Liu Junzhen, Fu Min, Zhang Qing. The newmanagement order: welcoming the rise of the purple-collar class [J]. TsinghuaManagement Review, 2017 (11): 66-73

5) Liu Junzhen, Liu Shiyue. Constructinga Trinity Talent Concept with Spirit as the Core [J]. Journal of DabieshanCadre College, 2017(4): 94-96


[1] 2014.9-2014.12, Tianjin Municipal EducationCommission Kay Research Project, Strategic Study on High-level Talents Introduction,Cultivation and Use in Colleges and Universities in Tianjin (PI)

[2] 2013.11-2014.6, Human Resources and Social SecurityBureau of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone Project, Analysison Enterprises’ Present situation of Labor Using in Tianjin Development Zoneand the Future Policy (PI)

[3] 2013.3-2013.12, Promoting Democracy Council Project,The Soft Environment Construction of Talents Introduction and Cultivation fromthe Perspective of Organizational Environment and Social Environment forScientific and Technological Talents’ Development (PI)

[4] 2013.3-2013.2, Promoting Democracy Council Project,The Lack and Management of Supporting System for Urbanization Construction:from the Perspective of Land-lost Farmers’ Happiness and Environment Adjustment (PI)



Undergraduate:Human Resource Management, Labor Relation Management,

JobManagement, HRM diagnosis

Master:Performance and Compensation Management,

DevelopmentalHuman Resource Management and Career


Undergraduate:Professional English of Human Resource Management

Master:Human Resource Management (for MBA)