中文 | Nankai University

Yaowei ZHANG

Yaowei ZHANG
Associate Professor
Financial Management
Tel: 23509568
  • Biography

  • Research & Achievement

  • Projects

  • Teaching

Research Areas

Corporate Finance and Governance, Bank Management


2006,Ph.D. in Management, NankaiUniversity

2003,Master in Political Economics, Nankai University

2000,Bachelor in Real Estate Management, Tianjin Chengjian University


Future Educationand Training Experience

2012.8.12-8.13, “2012National Corporate Governance Teaching Training and Exchange Conference for MBAColleges and Universities” held by Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,Modern Management Research Institute of Nankai University and East Asia andPacific Region Corporate Governance Project of International FinanceCorporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group

2010.12.4-12.6, “ChinaCorporate Governance Training Courses” held by Nankai University and ChinaCorporate Governance Project of International Finance Corporation (IFC) of theWorld Bank Group

Professional Experience

2020.06--Present,Associate Professor, Department of Finance Management, Business School of NankaiUniversity
2009.12-2020.05  Associate Professor, Modern Management Research Center, Business School of Nankai University

2009.5-2009.12,Lecturer, Modern Management Research Center, Business School of NankaiUniversity

2007-2009,Postdoctor in Applied Economics, Nankai University 


[1]    2013, Ministryof Education, 2nd Prize of 6th Colleges and UniversitiesScientific Research Excellent Achievement Award (Core member)
[2]2020, Ministry of Education, The 8th University Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement(Humanities and Social Sciences) Second Prize (Consulting Service ReportAward)(core member)

Social Service

[1]2013-,Reviewer of China National Natural Science Foundation.
[2]  2011-,Anonymous Reviewer of Nankai Business Review, ChinaSoft Science and China Economic Quarterly.
[3]Outside director in Tianjin Infrastructure Investment Group.
[4]Outside directorin TianjinNorthern International Group.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

[1]    Zhang Y.,Chen S., Li W.Research on Relationship Between Board Informal Hierarchy and Firm Performanceand its Affecting Mechanisms. Journal of Management Science.2015, Vol.28,No.1:1-17. (Published in Chinese)
 Zhang Yaowei, Chen Shishan, Cao Tiantian.Research on the Joint Effect of Board Fault and Difference IntegrationMechanism on Investment Decision Quality. Nankai Business Review, 2021, 24(02):94-105. (CSSCI)
Li Weian, Zhang Yaowei, Meng Qiankun. Urgentproblems and countermeasures of emergency management under sudden epidemicsituation. Bulletin Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2020, 35(3): 235-239. (CSSCI)
Zhang Yaowei, Chen Shishan, Liu Siqi. The informalhierarchy of the board of directors and the effectiveness of executivecompensation contracts.Journal of Industrial Engineering and EngineeringManagement, 2020, 34(3): 83-96. (CSSCI)
Li, Weian; Zheng, Minna; Zhang, Yaowei; Cui,Guangyao, Green governance structure, ownership characteristics, and corporateconstraints financing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 260: 121008. (SCI)
Li X L, Li W A, Zhang YW. Family Control,Political Connection, and Corporate Green Governance[J] . Sustainability, 2020:12(17):7068.(SCI)
Li Weian, Zhang Yaowei,Zheng Minna, Li Xiaolin, Cui Guangyao, Li Hui. Research on Green Governance andEvaluation of Chinese Listed Companies. Management World, 2019, (5): 126-133,160. (CSSCI) 


Conference Presentations

[1]    Zhang Y., Li H. Compensation-PerformanceSensitivity of Top Management—Research Based on Corporate Governance ModeratingEffect[C] // 7th InternationalSymposium of Corporate Governance. Nankai University, Tianjin, China,2013.9.7-8.


Books and Chapters

[1]    Li W., Chen X., Yuan Q. Chinese CorporateGovernance: Road to Transition and Perfection. Beijing: China Machine Press,2013.(Participate in Writing)

[2]    Li Y., Hao C., Zhang Y. Report on Corporate Governance for China Private ListedCompanies. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House, 2012.(Participate inWriting)

[3]    Corporate Governance Evaluation ResearchGroup of Corporate Governance Research Center of Nankai University. The Research Report of CorporateGovernance Evaluation of Chinese Listed Companies for2008. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 2011.(Participate in Writing)
[4]Zhang Yaowei. Research on BoardGovernance and Integrated Operation Performance of Commercial Banks. EconomicScience Press, 2020.12.

[5]Li Weian, Zhang Yaowei, etc.Comparison of Green Governance Guidelines and International Rules. SciencePress, 2018.4.
[6]LiWeian et al., 2018 Research Report on the Evaluation of Chinese Listed CompanyGovernance, Commercial Press, 2021.10. (Core member)


[1] Presided over the project funded by thespecial funds for basic scientific research business expenses of centraluniversities (2020-2021), "China Corporate Governance and DevelopmentReport".

2) Presided over the general project ofthe National Natural Science Foundation of China (2016-2019), "Research onthe fault, informal hierarchy and decision-making quality of the board ofdirectors".

3) Presided over theproject funded by the special funds for basic scientific research businessexpenses in central universities (2018-2019), "Research on GreenGovernance Mechanisms and Models".
[4]2014.1-2014.12, Shenzhen MunicipalGovernment entrusted project, Shenzhen SASAC-administered Enterprises CorporateGovernance Evaluation.

[5] 2012.12-2014.12, Specialized Research Fundfor the Central Universities funded Project, Research on Board Governance and Risk-takingin Commercial Banks(PI)

[6]    20011.10-2013.3, Tianjin ScienceDevelopment Strategy Project funded project, Research on the Incentive Policiesof Knowledge Workers in the Scientific and Technological Small and Medium SizedEnterprises(PI)

[7]    2011.1-2013.12, Sub-project of National SocialScience Foundation of China, Research on Perfection of the State-holdingFinancial Institutions Corporate Governance(PI)

[8]    2009.10-2011.3, Tianjin ScienceDevelopment Strategy Project funded project, Strategic Research on TianjinAviation Industry Cluster Upgrading(PI)

[9]    2009.1-2011.12, National Natural ScienceFoundation of China funded project, Optimization Research about the GovernanceEfficiency, Substitution Effect, and Ultimate Controlling CorporateGovernance(PI)


Corporate Governance, IPO and Finance, Bank Management,

OrganizationTheory and Organization Design, Governance of Financial Institutions