English | 南开大学

Consumer Voice in Technology-based Self-service Retailing: The role of Descriptive Social Norm and Personal Control over SSTs

发布时间: 2020-09-21
浏览次数: 1186


时间:20201012 14:00-16:00



摘要:With the advancement of artificial intelligence, technology-based self-service retail is gaining increasingly popular in practice. Yet, consumers report being frustrated with types of self-service technology (SST) failures. Without service personnel on site to interact and help, one way to alleviate the adverse effects of technology failure is to urge consumer voice proactively. Based on nudge theory, this study seeks to leverage descriptive social norm information to motivate consumer voice. In addition, with the consideration that voice in staffless retailing context requires consumer competence on control over the SSTs, we further investigate the role of two related personality traits, self-efficacy and social dependency, on consumers’ voice behavior. A preliminary field experiment has been conducted, and the findings support the motivating effect of priming descriptive social norm on consumer voice


主讲人简介:卢向华,复旦大学,管理学院信息管理与信息系统系,教授/博导,国家自然基金优秀青年基金项目获得者。卢向华博士的研究方向是互联网用户的在线行为量化实证分析及运营机制设计,通过大数据分析与实地实验等方法研究用户个人层面的行为偏好与规律。她在国内外高水平期刊上发表学术论文40余篇,包括Management Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of Marketing, Marketing science, POMsUTD期刊论文9篇。她目前已经作为负责人主持了5项国家自然基金项目,并负责完成了多项政府与企业横向咨询课题。