如何理解现象?如何从现象形成问题?如何从现象形成变量?如何基于现象建构理论?这是管理学者共同关心的问题。在本次讲座中,我将介绍经典的研究案例以及自己发表在Academy of Management Journal 、Organization Science、Strategic Management Journal等管理学期刊上的文章进行讲解。同时,通过自己的经验,我将介绍英文写作的技巧与发表,资源依赖理论的发展趋势,以及展开并购相关的研究选题与设计。
腾讯会议号:120 471 029
夏军的论文发表于Academy of Management Journal、Strategic Management Journal、Organization Science等管理学顶尖期刊。特别是,他在战略管理领域顶级杂志Strategic Management Journal上发表10篇论文,是近几年在Strategic Management Journal上发表文章最多的华人学者之一。
Jun Xia, Ph.D.
Organizations, Strategy, and International Management
Jindal School of Management
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 West Campbell Rd
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
Phone: 972-883-5868
Email: jun.xia@utdallas.edu
Educational History
o Ph.D. in Management, 2006, Texas Tech University, Texas, USA.
§ Dissertation Title: Changes in Institutional Environments: A Comparative Study of Foreign Entry Strategies in Hungary, Russia, and China in the 1990s (Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Kimberly Boal).
o Master of Business Administration, 1999. Xavier University, Ohio, USA
o Master in Economics, 1990. Zhongnan University of Finance, Economics and Law, Hubei, China
o Bachelor of Science, 1984. Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu, China
Employment History
o Professor of strategy, 9/2020-present. University of Texas at Dallas, Texas, USA
o Associate professor of strategy, 7/2013-8/2020. University of Texas at Dallas, Texas, USA
o Assistant professor of strategy, 8/2010-7/2013. West Virginia University, West Virginia, USA
o Assistant professor of international business, 8/2006-7/2010. Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA
Professional Recognitions and Honors
o Wu, J., Xia, J., and Park, S.H., 2018. FDI Communities and the R&D of Local Firms in an Emerging Market: An Interdependence Approach. Nomination to AIB 2018 Best Paper Award Emerging Economies Research. Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis.
o Jiang, H., Connelly, B., Xia, J, & Bao, S. 2018. Cooking the Books versus Sleeping around:
oExecutive Social Capital in the Aftermath of Scandal. Best Conference Paper Award. 2018 International Corporate Governance Society Annual Conference, Shanghai, China.
o Li, J. and Xia, J. 2017. State-owned enterprises face challenges in foreign acquisitions. Columbia FDI Perspectives, 205: 1-3.
o Zhang, Y., Xia, J. and Gong, Y. 2014. Analyst pressure and corporate down-scoping: A balanced-power approach. Best Paper Proceedings of 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
o Li, J., Xia, J. and Zajac, E. 2014. Playing catch up: How emerging market and non-market environments affect firms’ product innovation. Best Paper Award. 2014 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
o Xia, J. and Boal, K. 2005. Institution support and foreign entry strategy: The case of U.S. firms entering 23 Eurasian transition economies (1992-2000). Finalist of Doug Nigh Award, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
o Xia, J. 2005. Journal of Management Inquiry Award for services (2004-2005).
Professional Memberships
o Academy of Management (2004-present)
o Academy of International Business (2004-present)
o Strategic Management Society (2013-present)
Memberships on Editorial Review Boards
o Academy of Management Review
o Journal of International Business Studies
o Jiang, H., Xia, J., Devers, C., and Shen, W. (forthcoming).Who will board a sinking ship? A firm-director interdependence perspective of mutual selection between declining firms and director candidates. Academy ofManagement Journal.
o Jiao, J., Liu, Y., Wu. R., and Xia, J. (forthcoming).Corporate strategy and subsidiary performance: The effect of product and geographic diversification. Management and Organization Review.
o Dong, M. Jiao, J. and Xia, J. (forthcoming). Consequences of homophily: does social status similarity enhance project performance? Asian Business & Management.
o Jiang, M.S., Jiao, J., Lin, Z., and Xia, J. 2021. Learning through observation or through acquisition? Innovation performance as an outcome of internal and external knowledge combination. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 38: 35–63.
o Li, T., Wang, H., Xia, J. 2020. Stakeholder preservation or appropriation? The influence of target CSR on market reactions to acquisition announcements. Academy of Management Journal. 63(5): 1535–1560.
o Xia, J., Yu, J. and Lin, Y. 2019. Periphery, Overlap, and Subunit Exit in Multiunit Firms: A Subunit Power Perspective. Journal of Management. 45(3): 881-908.
o Gong, Y., Zhang, Y. and Xia, J. 2019. Do Firms Learn More from Small or Big Successes and Failures? A Test of the Outcome-Based Feedback Learning Perspective. Journal of Management. 45(3): 1034-1056.
o Liu, Y. Jiao, J., and Xia, J. 2019.Subsidiary Networks and Foreign Subsidiary Performance: A Coopetition Perspective. Management and Organization Review. 15(1): 111-143.
o Jiang, H., Xia, J., Cannella, B., and Xiao, T. 2018. Do ongoing networks block out new friends? Reconciling the embeddedness constraint dilemma on new alliance partner addition. StrategicManagement Journal. 39(1): 217–241.
o Li, J., Xia, J., and Zajac, E. 2018. On the duality of political and economic stakeholder influence on firm innovation performance: Theory and evidence from Chinese firms. StrategicManagement Journal. 39(1): 193–216.
o Xia, J., Wang, Y., Lin, Y., Yang, H. and Li, S. 2018. Alliance formation in the midst of market and network: Insights from resource dependence and network perspectives. Journal of Management. 44(5): 1899-1925.
o Zheng, Y. and Xia, J. 2018. Resource dependence and network relations: A test of venture capital investment termination in China. Journal of Management Studies. 55(2): 295–319.
o Xia, J., Ma, X., Tong, T., and Li, W. 2018. Network information and cross-border M&A Activities. Global Strategic Journal. 8(2): 301-323.
o Li, J., Xia, J., Shapiro, D.M., and Lin, Z. 2018. Institutional compatibility and the internationalization of Chinese SOEs: The moderating role of home subnational institutions. Journal of World Business. 53(5): 641-652.
o Jiang, H., Cannella, B. Xia, J. and Semadeni, M.B. 2017. Choose to fight or choose to flee? Resolving a dilemma of executive ship jumping in declining firms. StrategicManagement Journal. 38(10): 1951-2142.
o Li, J., Xia, J., and Lin, Z. 2017. Cross-border acquisitions by state-owned investors: How do legitimacy concerns affect the completion and duration of their acquisitions? StrategicManagement Journal, 38(9): 1915-1934.
o Xia, J., Dawley, D., Ma, R., Jiang, H. and Boal, K. 2016. Resolving a dilemma of signaling bankrupt-firm emergence: A dynamic integrative view. StrategicManagement Journal, 37(8): 1754-1764.
o Jiang, M. S., Branzei, O., and Xia, J. 2016. DYI: How internationalization shifts the locus of indigenous innovation for Chinese firms. Journal of World Business, 51(5): 662-674.
o Zhu, H. Xia, J. and Makino, S. 2015. How do high-technology firms create value in international M&A? Integration, autonomy, and cross-border contingencies. Journal of World Business, 50(4): 718-728.
o Xia, J., Ma, X., Lu, J., and Yiu, D. 2014. Outward foreign direct investment by emerging market firms: A resource dependence logic. StrategicManagement Journal, 35(9): 1343–1363.
o Xia, J., Jiang, M.S., Li, S. and Aulakh, P.S. 2014. Practice standardization in cross-border activities of multinational corporations: A resource dependence perspective. Management International Review. 54(5): 707-734.
o Xia, J. and Li, S. 2013. The divestiture of acquired subunits: A resource dependence approach. StrategicManagement Journal, 34(1): 131-148 (lead paper).
o Li, S., Xia, J., Long, C. and Tan, J. 2012. Control modes and outcomes of transformed state-owned enterprises in China: An empirical test. Management and Organization Review, 8(2): 283-309.
o Xia, J. 2011. Mutual dependence, partner substitutability, and repeated partnership: The survival of cross-border alliances. StrategicManagement Journal, 32(3): 229-253 (lead paper).
o Xia, J. 2010. Resource dependence and cross-border constraint-absorption: A study of market entry strategies. Management International Review, 50(2): 155-184.
o Xia, J., Boal, K., and Delios, A. 2009. When experience meets national institutional environmental change: Foreign entry attempts of U.S. firms in eleven transition economies. StrategicManagement Journal, 30(12): 1286-1309.
o Xia, J. Li, S. and Long, C. 2009. The transformation of collectively owned enterprises and its outcomes in China, 2001-05. World Development, 37(10): 1651-1662.
o Xia, J., Tan, J., and Tan, D. 2008. Mimetic entry and bandwagon effect: The rise and decline of international equity joint venture in China. StrategicManagement Journal, 29(2): 195-217.
o Li, S. and Xia, J. 2008. The roles and performance of state firms and non-state firms in China’s economic transition. World Development, 36(1): 39-54.
o Tan, J., Zhang, W., and Xia, J. 2008. Managing startup risk and performance in a transitional environment: An exploratory study of Chinese domestic and overseas-based venture capital firm. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(2): 263-285.
o Xia, J., Wang, J., Wang, Y., and Xing, Y. 2008. Stakeholder pressures and the global diffusion of the ISO 14001 initiative: A resource dependence perspective. International Journal of Sustainable Society. 1(1): 4-28.
o Westfall, P., Hoffman, J.J., and Xia, J. 2007. Joint analysis of multiple categorical dependent variables in organizational research. Organizational Research Methods, 10(4): 673-688.
o Tan, J., Li, S., and Xia, J. 2007. When iron fist, visible hand, and invisible hand meet: Firm-level effects of varying institutional environments in China. Journal of Business Research, 60(7): 786-794.
Presentations at Professional Meetings
o Deng, S., Xia., J. and Wang, X. 2021. How do news media affect the divestiture of acquired overseas subunits? Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Online.
o Deng, S., Xia., J. and Wang, X. 2021. Partner substitutability and international joint venture termination: A partner interdependence view. Ann & Jack Graves Foundation Conference: “Sustainability as a Solution to Global Business Challenges.” University of Texas at Dallas.
o Dong, M., Liu, Y., Xia., J. and Zheng, Q. 2020. Two Faces of Cultural Products: A Behavioral Understanding of Artistic and Commercial Success. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
o Li, J., Wang, H., and Xia., J. 2020. The goodness and badness of network misperceptions. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
o Chen, X., Xiao, T., and Xia., J. 2020. International Expansion and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Emerging-market Firms. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
o Deng, S., Wang, J., Xia., J. and Hu, S. 2020. Choices Between International R&D Alliances and Joint Ventures: An Information Processing Perspective. Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, Miami.
o Li, W., Xia., J. Lin, S., Li, X., Liu, J., and Wang, X. 2020. Escaping the Institutional Iron Cage: Competing Institutional Logics and CEO Pay Raise in State-Owned Enterprises. Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, Miami.
o Chen, X., Xiao, T., and Xia., J. 2020. Does Strategic Asset Seeking Foreign Direct Investment Really Work? The Moderating Roles of Internal Absorptive Capacity and External Environments. Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, Miami.
o Lo, J., Wang, Y., Yue, H., Zhu, J. and Xia, J. 2020. Doing Well by Doing Good: How Workforce Composition Helps Microfinance Achieve Both Social Performance and Financial Viability. People and Organizations Conference. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
o Xu, L., Xia, J., and Huang, Z. 2019. Friend or Foe? Local Community, Social Identity, and Interfirm Cooperation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston.
o Yao, K., Liu, S., Li, J., and Xia, J. 2019. Participants in the symposium titled “New Development in Innovation and Entrepreneurship among Chinese Firms.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston.
o Li, J., Wang, H., and Xia, J. 2019. Why Can Managers Benefit from an Overrepresented Network? A Bias-based Perspective. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Minneapolis.
o Tang, T., Xia, J., and Jiao, J. 2019. Value of Expectation: Reputation and Premium in Cross-Border Acquisitions. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Copenhagen.
o Xia, J., Li, J., and Lin, Z. 2019. Resource-at-a-Distance and International Joint Venture Takeover: The Role of State Ownership and Environmental Uncertainties. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Copenhagen.
o Xia, J., Qian, C., Tian, L., and Lin, Z. 2019. Why Do Multinational Firms Use Financial Advisors in Cross-Border Acquisitions? A Power Balance Approach. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Copenhagen.
o Xia, J., Qian, G., Jiang, M., and Lin, Z. 2019. Competitive Disadvantage and Internal R&D of Local Firms in Emerging Economies: A Threat-Catch-Up Perspective. Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) Conference in Bali, Indonesia.
o Wang, X. Xia, J. and Liu, L., Liu. M. 2018. Media reputation of buyer and seller and acquisition duration: Two sides of a story. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Chicago.
o Jiang, H., Xia, J., Broschak, JP., and Shen, W. 2018. Yours versus Ours: Different Performance Implications of Executive Networks and Director Networks. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Chicago.
o Liu, Y., Lin, Z., and Xia, J. 2018. Behind foreign executives in TMTs of emerging market firms: resolving a puzzle. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Paris.
o Xia, J., Li, J., and Lin, Y. 2018. Resource-at-a-distance and international joint venture takeover: The moderating role of business associations.International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference Meeting. Wuhan, China.
o Yu, J. Xia, J., and Lin, Y. 2018. Multipoint competition, subunit strength, and resource allocation: Evidence from the insurance industry.The 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Risk and Insurance Association. Chicago.
o Xia, J., Qiao, K., and Liu, Y. 2017. Subsidiary networks and foreign subsidiary performance: A coopetition perspective. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, Atlanta.
o Yu, J. Xia, J., and Lin, Y. 2017. Multipoint Competition, Subunit Strength, and Resource Allocation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, Atlanta.
o Jiang, H., Luiz, F.M., and Xia, J. 2017. When Do Top Managers Opt to Activate Managerial Personal Ties to Manage Multiplex Alliances? Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, Atlanta.
o Kim, J., Lee, S.H., and Xia, J. 2017. Divergent Alliance Learning and Cross-Border M&A Entries. Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting. Dubai.
o Xie, L., Li, J.T., and Xia, J. 2017. Are External and Internal R&D Complementary or Substitute for the Product Innovation of International Joint Ventures in China? Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting. Dubai.
o Xia, J. Gu, Q., Jiang, S., and Lin, Z. 2017. Why Do Foreign Firms Conduct R&D Investments in an Emerging Market? A Resource Dependence Perspective. Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting. Dubai.
o Xia, J., Li, J., and Lin, L. 2017. Partner Dependence of International Joint Ventures and Venture Takeover: A Resource Dependence Approach. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Boston.
o Jiang, H., Xia, J., Broschak, J., and Shen, W. 2017. Different Implications of Executive Social Capital and Board Social Capital for Firm Performance. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Boston.
o Xia, J., Yao, K., Lin, Z., and Yin, S. 2017. Domain protection and organizational ties: Regulatory standards making as a corporate political action. Asia Academy of Management conference. Kitakyushu City, Japan
o Ling, Y., Wei, L., and Xia, J. 2016. TMT polychronicity and firm performance: The moderating effects of CEO tertius iungens orientation and perceived industry growth. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California.
o Zhang, J., Xia, J., and Qiao, K. 2016. Between state and market: Institutional logics and political and human capitals of corporate elites among listed firms in china (1996−2009). Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California.
o Li, J., Xia, J., Shapiro, D.M., and Lin, Z. 2016. State-owned enterprises and outward foreign direct investment activities: The moderating role of home institutions. Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting. New Orleans.
o Jiang, M., Zhouyu, L., Zhang, L., and Xia, J. 2016. Environmental configurations of R&D strategies: A dependence explanation of innovation performance. International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference Meeting. Hangzhou, China.
o Yan, L, Wei, L., and Xia, J. 2016. Polychronicity in top management teams and its implication for firm performance: taking contextual factors into consideration. Mason Entrepreneurship Research Conference (MERC), George Mason University, Virginia.
o Zhang, Y., Xia, J., and Yan, G. 2016. Analyst pressure and corporate down-scoping: a balanced approach. The International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
o Li, J., Xia, J., Shapiro, D.M., and Li, Z. 2016. State-owned enterprises and outward foreign direct investment activities: the moderating role of home institutions. Global Strategy & Emerging Markets (GSEM) Conference. Miami, Florida.
o Xia, J., Yu, J., & Lin, Y. 2016. Periphery, overlapping, and subunit exit: a subunit power approach. The Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA) annual conference, Chendu, China.
o Xia, J. Jiang, M., Qiao, K.Y., Lin, Z.Y. Quan, M. 2016. Sources of external knowledge and innovation performance: adaptive vs. generative learning. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany.
o Jiang, H., Xia, J. and Semadeni, M. 2015. Strong enough to fight or to flee? Executive social capital and ship jumping in declining firms. Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
o Jiang, M., Lin, Z., Quan, J., and Xia, J. 2015. Aligning internal and external R&D with environmental elements and innovation performance. Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
o Jiang, H., Xia, J., Cannella, A, and Yi, X. 2015. A resource-dependence model of the loss of outside directorships among outgoing executives of declining firms. Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado.
o Xia, J., Ling, Y., and Wei, L. 2015. Resolving paradoxes embedded in top management team dynamics: the moderating role of CEO tertius iungens orientation. The 31st EGOS Colloquium. Athens, Greece.
o Jiang, H., Mesquita, L., and Xia, J. 2014. Using managerial personal ties to manage alliances: bridging resource dependence and social embeddedness. Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting. Madrid, Spain.
o Zhang, Y., Xia, J. and Gong, Y. 2014. Analyst pressure and corporate down-scoping: A balanced-power approach. Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting. Madrid, Spain.
o Li, J., Xia, J. and Zajac, E. 2014. Playing catch up: How emerging market and non-market environments affect firms’ product innovation. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
o Xia, J., Yu, J., and Lin, Y. 2013. Periphery, equivalence, and subunit exclusion: The effect of the distribution of subunit power. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida.
o Xia, J., Jiang, M., Li, S., and Aulakh, P.S. 2012. Practice standardization in cross-border activities of multinational corporations: A resource dependence perspective. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts.
o Xia, J., and Ma, X. 2012. Why do firms divest their formerly acquired foreign subsidiaries? A resource dependence approach. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
o Xia, J. and Ma, X. 2012. Dependence change and the divesture of formerly acquired foreign subsidiaries. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
o Xia, J., Jiang, M., Li, S., and Aulakh, P.S. 2012. Effects of ownership, importance, and alternativeness of resources on practice standardization. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
o Ma, X., Xia, J., and Delios, A. 2012. Trade dependencies, contingencies, and FDI location choice: An analysis of Chinese firms (2001-2006). 2012 JIBS Special Paper Development Conference. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
o Xia, J. Dawley, D., Ma, R., and Boal, K. 2011. Stakeholder reaction and post‑bankruptcy outcome: An application of signaling theory. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. San Anatnio, Texas.
o Subramanian, R., Portes, L. and Xia, J. 2010. Value Capture in International Strategic Alliances: An Empirical Analysis Using the Event Study Methodology. Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association.
o Xia, J. Boal, K., and Bailey, A.D. 2008. Portfolio restructuring and organizational failure: Does business relatedness matter? Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California.
o Xia, J. and Bailey, A.D. 2008. Board vigilance and outsiders’ heterogeneous experiences: An examination of the effects of board composition on cross-border acquisition activities. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Milan, Italy.
o Xia, J., Lin, B., and Subramanian, R. 2007. Alliance and survival: The analysis of high-technology firms. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
o Xia, J. and Tan, J. 2006. The rise and decline of international equity joint venture in China: A diffusion and negative diffusion approach, The 2006 Western Academy of Management Proceedings. Long Beach, California.
o Xia, J. and Boal, K. 2005. Institution support and foreign entry strategy: The case of U.S. firms entering 23 Eurasian transition economies (1992-2000). Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
o Xia, J. 2005. The diffusion of Western acquisitions in transition economies: An integrative view. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
o Xia, J. 2005. Strategic choice between dyadic and multiparty alliances: An approach based on the RBT of alliance. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
o Xia, J. 2005. Interorganizational imitation and institutional change: A prescriptive model of diffusion. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Quebec, Canada
o Xia, J. 2005. The relationship between alliance formation and termination: A competitive learning perspective. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Quebec, Canada
o Xia, J. 2005. The abandonment of joint venture as a dominant entry strategy in China: A negative diffusion approach. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Quebec, Canada
o Xia, J. and Cavazos, D. 2005. Adoption of transnational practices in the home country: a conceptual model of imitation-based international expansion. Western Academy of Management Meetings, Las Vegas, Nevada.
o Xia, J and Szyliowicz, D. 2004. International expansions of local firms from a transitional economy: A test of learning through transitional-foreign joint venture, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
o Hunt, J., Xia, J., Stelluto, G.E., and Ropo, A. 2004. Antecedents and consequences of close charisma: An examination of conductor-musician relationships in U.S. and Finnish orchestras, The 2004 Southern Management Association Proceedings. San Antonio, Texas.
o Provide evaluations for tenure promotions as invited by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
o Serve as a member of tenure promotion committee at UTD.
o Serve as the chair on the dissertation committee of Jiyu Wang.
o Serve as a co-chair on the dissertation committee of Jianan Li.
o Serve as a member on the dissertation committee of Xiaoou Bai.
o Serve as a member on the dissertation committee of Pavithra Balaji.
o Serve as the research supervisor of Joe You-xiang Song (2020-present).
o Serve as the research supervisor of Jia Shen (2020-present).
o Serve as the research supervisor of Shu Deng (2019-present).
o Serve as the research supervisor of Jiyu Wang (2018-present).
o Serve as an outside member in the Dissertation Committee of Li Tong in Strategy at Singapore Management University. Li graduated in 2020. Title of the dissertation: Value and processes of stakeholder involvement.
o Serve as a member in the Dissertation Committee of Joyce Wang. Joyce graduated in 2019. Title of the dissertation: Corporate governance in emerging and developed economies.
o Serve as an outside member in the Dissertation Committee of Lei Xu in Strategy at Texas Tech University. Lei graduated in 2019. Title of the dissertation: The Antecedent and Consequence of Two Forms of Social Capital.
o Serve as the research supervisor of Jianan Li (2017-2018).
o Serve as a member in the Dissertation Committee of Huy (Will) Nguyen. Huy graduated in 2018. Title of the dissertation: A CSR-based perspective on strategy.
o Serve as a member in the Dissertation Committee of Xiujuan Li. Xiujuan graduated in 2018. Title of the dissertation: Organizational learning and search in the U.S. airline industry: diffusion of responsibility, competitive advantage of newness, and opportunistic search.
o Serve as the Outside Chair for Felix Deku’s Examining Committee in July 2018. Felix is a Ph.D. student in biomedical engineering at UTD. Title of the dissertation: Development of amorphous silicon carbide ultramicroelectrode arrays for neural stimulation and recording.
o Serve as an outside member in the Dissertation Committee of Hongbin Tan in Strategy at the National University of Singapore. Hongbin graduated in 2018. Title of the dissertation: From contextual to generalized theories: How to extend traditional IB theories in the case of EMNES.
o Serve as a member in the Dissertation Committee of Jinsil Kim. Howook graduated in 2017. Title of the dissertation: Essays on business-government relationship and foreign market entry decision in transition economies: political market competition, bribery and firm market focus, and foreign market entry experience.
o Served as a member in the Dissertation Committee of Pawinee Changphao. Pawinee graduated in 2016. Title of the dissertation: Essays on interorganizational relationships and corporate strategies: product recalls, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic alliances.
o Served as a member in the Dissertation Committee of Howook Shin. Howook graduated in 2016. Title of the dissertation: Essays on firm behaviors and performance under information asymmetry and uncertainty.
o Served as a member in the Dissertation Committee of Canan Mutlu. Canan graduated in 2015. Title of the dissertation: Competition, corruption and corporate governance in transition economies.
Classroom Teaching at UTD
o Fall 2021: BPS7302-001 Research Methods (Ph.D. Seminar)
o Fall 2021: BPS4305-oh3 and BPS4305-oh4 Strategic Management
o Fall 2021: MAS 8v91.011 Independent Study of a Ph.D. student
o Summer 2021: MAS 8v91.006 Independent Study of a Ph.D. student
o Spring 2021: MAS 8v91.013 Independent Study of a Ph.D. student
o Fall 2020: OB7300-001, Organization Theory (Ph.D. Seminar)
o Fall 2020: BPS4305-007 Strategic Management
o Summer 2020: MAS 8v91.006 Independent Study of a Ph.D. student
o Fall 2020: MAS 8v03.091 Independent Study of a Ph.D. student
o Fall 2020: MAS 8v91.005 Independent Study of a Ph.D. student
o Fall 2019: BPS7302-001 Research Methods (Ph.D. Seminar)
o Fall 2019: BPS4305-006 and BPS4305-007 Strategic Management
o Summer 2019: MAS 8v91.011 Independent Study of a Ph.D. student
o Fall 2018: OB7300-001, Organization Theory (Ph.D. Seminar)
o Fall 2018: BPS4305-006 and BPS4305-007 Strategic Management
o Summer 2018: MAS 8V04.023 Independent Study of a Ph.D. student
o Fall 2017: BPS7302-001 Research Methods (Ph.D. Seminar)
o Fall 2017: BPS4305-006 and BPS4305-007 Strategic Management
o Fall 2016: BPS4305-005, BPS4305-006, and BPS4305-007 Strategic Management
o Fall 2015: BPS7302-001 Research Methods (Ph.D. Seminar)
o Fall 2015: BPS4305-007 and BPS4305-008 Strategic Management
o Spring 2015: BPS4305-001, BPS4305-002, and BPS4305-003 Strategic Management
o Spring 2014: BPS4305-002 and BPS4305-004 Strategic Management
o Database committee member at Jindal School of Management
o Ph.D. committee member at the Area of Organizations, Strategy, and International Management
Teaching Experience
o Ph.D. seminars: Organization Theory and Research Methods
o MBA courses: Global Business Endeavor, Global Workforce, and Doing Business in Asia.
Invited Talks, Presentations, and Seminars
o Section Moderator, 2021. Ann & Jack Graves Foundation Conference: “Sustainability as a Solution to Global Business Challenges.” University of Texas at Dallas.
o Section chair, 2019. The Fourth Annual Global Strategy and Emerging Markets Conference. University of Texas at Dallas.
o Quest speaker, 2019. Trulaske College of Business. University of Mansouri, Columbia.
o Quest speaker, 2019. The 2019 SUFE Summer Strategy Workshop. The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Shanghai, China.
o Member of the IACMR Macro Best Paper Award Committee, 2018.
o Panelist, 2018. Developing Your Career at the Early Stage: Lessons from Outstanding Junior Scholars. International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference Meeting. Wuhan, China.
o Panelist, 2018. Opportunities and Challenges of Publishing Chinese Context Strategy/IB Papers in Top Management Journals. International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference Meeting. Wuhan, China.
o Panelist, 2018. Professional Development Workshop. International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference Meeting. Wuhan, China.
o Quest speaker, 2017. Co-optative ties and regulative standards making. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
o Workshop coordinator, 2017. The Workshop Building a Balanced Research-Centered Academic Career. Chinese Management Scholars Community (CMSC). Anaheim, Atlanta.
o Quest speaker, 2016. Goodman School of Business. Brock University. Niagara Region, Canada.
o Quest speaker, 2016. Guanghua School of Management. Peking University. Peking, China.
o Quest speaker, 2016. Chinese Management Scholars’ Community (CMSC) Reunion. Hongzhou, China.
o Keynote speaker, 2015: Domain protection and regulatory standards making: The moderating role of social capital. Strategy Symposium at the University of Hong Kong.
o Quest speaker, 2015. School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. Peking, China.
o Roundtable facilitator, 2015. Resource Dependence and Power. Mid-south Management Research Consortium (MMRC). University of Memphis.
o Roundtable facilitator, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. Chinese Management Scholars’ Community (CMSC) Reunion. During the Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
o Roundtable facilitator. The International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference. 2012 (Hong Kong), 2014 (Beijing), 2016 (Hongzhou), China.
Services for Academic Journals
o Ad hoc reviewer for Strategic Management Journal
o Ad hoc reviewer for Academy of Management Journal
o Ad hoc reviewer for Academy of Management Review
o Ad hoc reviewer for Organization Science
o Ad hoc reviewer for Administrative Science Quarterly
o Ad hoc reviewer for Management Science
o Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of International Business Studies
o Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Management
o Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Management Studies
o Ad hoc reviewer for Global Strategic Journal
o Ad hoc reviewer for Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
o Ad hoc reviewer for Management and Organization Review
o Ad hoc reviewer for Asia Pacific Journal of Management
o Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Management Inquiry
o Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Small Business Management
o Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of World Business
o Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Business Research
o Ad hoc reviewer for Corporate Governance
o Ad hoc reviewer for EuropeanManagement Journal
o Ad hoc reviewer for Management Decision
o Services for Academic Conferences
o Reviewer for Academy of Management Annual Meeting
o Reviewer for Academy of International Business Annual Meeting
o Reviewer for Strategic Management Society Meeting
o Reviewer for International Association for Chinese Management Research Meeting, 2017
o Reviewer for Asian Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2016
o Reviewer for 10th International Conference: Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED). Kyoto, Japan. 2007.
o Reviewer for Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2006.
o Reviewer for Grant Application for the University of Missouri Research Board