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2019年1月   天津大学  管理科学与工程  博士


2024年6月~                   南开大学商学院  副教授,博士生导师,南开大学"百青计划"青年学科带头人
2019年1月~2024年5月   天津财经大学管理科学与工程学院  讲师/副教授,硕士生导师
2017年8月~2018年9月   加拿大西安大略大学大学Ivey商学院  访问学者 



[1] Pun Hubert, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Combating Copycatting from Emerging Market Suppliers in Global Supply Chains.
Production and Operations Management.2022, 31 (8): 3304-3319. (UTD24; FT50; ABS 4)

[2] Pun Hubert, Swaminathan Jayashankar M*, Hou Pengwen. Blockchain Adoption for Combating Deceptive Counterfeits.
Production and Operations Management. 2021, 30(4): 864-882. (UTD24; FT50; ABS 4; 高被引)

[3] Ghamat Salar, Pun Hubert, Critchley Greg, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Using Intellectual Property Agreements in the
Presence of Supplier and Third-party Copycatting. European Journal of Operational Research.  2021, 291(2): 680-692. (ABS 4)

[4] Zhang Qian, Li Yongjian, Hou Pengwen, Jun Wang*. Price Signal or Blockchain Technology? Quality Information 
Disclosure in Dual-channel Supply Chains. European Journal of Operational Research. 2024. (ABS 4)

[5] Hou Pengwen, Liu Zihan, Xie Lei*, Zhang Shuhua. To Transfer or Not? Analysis of the Original Equipment Manufacturer's
Strategic Outsourcing Strategy in the Presence of the Supplier's Innovation Effort[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering
Management. 2023: 1-12. (ABS 3)

[6] Hou Pengwen, Zhang Chi, Li Yating*. The Interplay of Manufacturer Encroachment and Blockchain Adoption to Combat
Counterfeits in a Platform Supply Chain[J]. International Journal of Production Research. 2023, 62(4): 1382-1398. (ABS 3)

[7] Hou Pengwen, Zhao Yaru, Li Yating*. Strategic Analysis of Supplier Integration and Encroachment in an Outsourcing
Supply Chain[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2023, 177: 103238. (ABS 3)

[8] Hou Pengwen, Wang Jun*, Zhang Qian, Zhang Shuhua. Implications of Risk Aversion Behavior on the Green Product
Promotion Strategy Under Manufacturer Encroachment. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2023, 447, 127911. (SCI一区)

[9] Hou Pengwen, Zhen Ziyan*, Li Bo. Implications of the Product Quality Differentiation on the Platform's Distribution
Contracts. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2021. (ABS 3)

[10] Hou Pengwen, Pun Hubert*, Li Bo. To Collaborate or Not: Product Upgrading Strategy in a Competitive Duopoly Market.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems. 2021. (ABS 3)

[11] Hou Pengwen, Zhen Ziyan, Pun Hubert*. Combating Copycatting in the Luxury Market with Fighter Brands. 
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2020. (ABS 3)

[12] Wang Jun, Zhang Qian, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Fixed Fee or Proportional Fee? Contracts in Platform Selling Under
Asymmetric Information[J]. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 2022. (ABS 3)

[13] Wang Jun, Zhang Qian, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Implications of Credit Default and Yield Uncertainty on Supply
Chain's Equilibrium Financial Strategy. Annals of Operations Research. 2022, 315 (1): 507-533. (ABS 3)

[14] Xie Lei, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者), Han Hongshuai. Implications of Government Subsidy on the Vaccine Product R&D
When the Buyer is Risk Averse[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2021. (ABS 3)

[15] Li Ling, Guo Qiuyu, Li Yating, Hou Pengwen. Implications of Demand Information Transparency on a Platform's Bundling
Strategy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2023: 1-12. (ABS 3)

[16] Li Xiuxian*, Hou Pengwen, Zhang Shuhua. The Optimal Advertising Strategy with Differentiated Targeted Effect
Consumers. Annals of Operations Research. 2022, 1-42. (ABS 3)

[17] Wang Jun, Zhang Qian, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Combating Deceptive Counterfeits with Blockchain Technology Under
Asymmetric Information[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2022. (ABS 3)

[18]Li Jiajing, Zhang Shuhua*, Hou Pengwen. The value of backup supply for mitigating disruption risk with equity finance[J].
International Journal of Production Research, 2024: 1-28.(ABS 3)

[19]Peng Shuxia, Li Bo*, Hou Pengwen. Optimal Upgrading Strategy for the Quality, Release Time, and Pricing for Software
Vendor. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2021. (ABS 3)

[20] Chen Ping, Li Bo, Jiang Yushan, Hou Pengwen. The Impact of Manufacturer's Direct Sales and Cost Information
Asymmetry in a Dual-channel Supply Chain with a Risk-Averse Retailer[J]. International Journal of Electronic Commerce.
2017, 21(1): 43-66. (ABS 3)

[21] Li Qinghua, Li Bo*, Chen Ping, Hou Pengwen. Dual-channel Supply Chain Decisions Under Asymmetric Information with
a Risk-averse Retailer[J]. Annals of Operations Research. 2017, 257(1-2): 423-447. (ABS 3)

[22] Li Bo*, Hou Pengwen, Chen Ping, Li Qinghua. Pricing Strategy and Coordination in a Dual Channel Supply Chain with a
Risk-averse Retailer[J]. International Journal of Production Economics. 2016. (ABS 3)

[23] 王君, 张倩, 侯棚文*(通讯作者). 质量信息不对称下零售商基于区块链技术的信息揭示策略. 管理工程学报. 2023.
[24] Wang Jun, Zhang Qian, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者), Li Qinghua. Effects of Platform's Blockchain Strategy on Brand
Manufacturer's Distribution Strategy in the Presence of Counterfeits. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2023. (ABS 2)

[25] Teng Yingying, Hou Pengwen, Xie Lei*, Zhang Qian. Impact of Copycatting on the Luxury Manufacturer's Distribution
Contracts in the E-commerce era[J]. Managerial and Decision Economics. 2024. (ABS 2)

[26] Chang Shuhua, Ma Haiteng, Hou Pengwen, Cao Li. Who Should Adopt Blockchain? The Interplay Between Blockchain
Adoption and Online Channel Under Competition[J]. Electronic Commerce Research and  Applications. 2023. (ABS 2)

[27] Chang Shuhua, Ma Haiteng*, Hou Pengwen. Direct or Indirect? Implications of the Retailer's Investment Choices on the
Manufacturer's Encroachment Strategy. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2023, 179: 109201. (ABS 2)


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 72102163, 电子商务环境下基于区块链技术的欺诈性仿冒品防治策略研究,
     2022/01-2024/12, 在研,主持

[2] 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目,20YJC630037,考虑消费者策略性行为的企业间产品创新竞合策略研究,

[3] 天津市科学技术委员会,科技发展战略研究计划项目,19ZLZXZF00290,创新驱动下天津市制造业智能升级



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