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[1] 博士, 2002.03_2005.03,

天津大学, 管理学院,现代工业工程及先进制造;

[2] 硕士, 1994.03_1997.12,

南开大学, 人力资源与可持续经济增长



[1] 2010.9 - 2011.10  获国家公派留学基金资助,青年访问学者项目赴斯坦福大学研究访问一年,低碳与创新制造模式与创新研究方向;

[2] 2006.10 - 2007.03 获天津市博士后人才基金,赴英国剑桥大学工程学院及埃克塞特大学工程学院交换博士后访问,集成控制与全球制造研究方向;


[1] 2007. 05-今:南开大学工业工程(现管理科学与工程)系,副教授;

[2] 2007.12-:中国机械工业学会工业工程分会·理事

[3] 2005.12-2007.12:深圳信用担保协会首届首任秘书长

[4] 2005.03-2007.05:博士后,天津大学,机械学院,产品集成控制及制造研究方向

[5] 2002.03-2005.12:(兼)深圳市和诚科技实业公司HR总监

[6] 2000.06-2002.03:深圳威迪泰通信技术有限公司副总裁

[7] 1997.09-2000.06:深圳赛格集团股份有限公司M&S Dept.副部长



[1] - Kaimeng Li, Jie Wang, Yisong(Lydia) Zheng(Corresponding Author) , Ling Wang , Ryan Orrb ,Yi-Kai Juan(2010). A Hybrid Decision Support System for Efficient Planning and Management of Mega Projects, (2010 Engineering Project Organization Conference ),Oct. USA,in English.

[2]  ZHENG Yi-Song, LI Dong, ZHAO Feng (2009). Concept Analysis for Service Oriented Manufacturing Based on Interpretive Structural Modeling.( Proceedings of) The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec, Hong Kong2498-2502, in English. [ EI检索]

[3] ZHENG Yi-Song, DENG Li-Qiang, LI Mei-Ling (2009). Study on the Event Volunteer Management based on the Service Blueprint2009 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, Dec, Xi’an408-411, in English. [ EI检索]

[4]  ZHENG Yi-Song, LI Dong, ZHAO Feng (2009). Study on a GERT Based Method for Hi-tech Product Development Project Planning. (Study of Hi-tech Product Development Project Planning Method Based on GERT). 16th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Mechanical Industrial press, China, Oct, 1022-1026,Beijing, in English. [ EI检索]

[5]  YisongLydiaZheng,Qian Wang, LingWang,Mo KuangResearch into the Driver’s Route Choice under Existing Real-time Traffic Information,The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,Dec.2008, Singaporein English(Chairs of parallel sessions). [ ISTP检索]

[6]  Zheng Yisong,Wang Qian,Wang Ling,Study on the Modes of Communication of Multi-Agent Systems,15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering ManagementMechanical Industrial press,Chian,Sep.2008,in English(Chairs of parallel sessions). [ ISTP检索]

[7]  Yi-song ZHENGY.Sun,A Methodology of Implementing Agile Manufacturing, 14th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering ManagementMechanical Industrial press,Chian,Dec.2007,in English(Chairs of parallel sessions). [ ISTP检索]

[8]  Xiaobing Pei, Yisong Zheng, A Study on Application of Design of Experiments in GL Company2009 IEEE 16th International conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Oct.2009, Beijing[ EI检索] 【实践】

[9]  Chengbo Wang,Yisong Zheng,A Supply Chain Management Curriculum,Design and Evaluation,LRNC(Teach Learn Conference)2008,UK,in English.【教学】

[10] Wang Ling, Zheng YisongProfiting from Patents in the Modern Innovation Environment: the Why, What, and How of Patent Portfolio Management,15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering ManagementMechanical Industrial press, Chian, Sep, 2008, in English. [ ISTP检索]

[1] 郑轶松、王谦、何曙光,基于主成份分析的半导体封装质量控制系统,系统工程,2009年,第1期,P108-113

[2] 郑轶松、王洪夫、高雪峰,地耦合式热泵夏季动态性能模拟分析,中国农机化,2008年,第1期:79-83

[3] 郑轶松、裴晓兵、齐二石,知识地图及其在高科技复杂产品项目组织结构中的应用,系统工程,2007年,第5期:116-120

[4] 郑轶松、齐二石、郑晓东,基于图评审技术GERT 的高科技产品开发研究,系统工程,2005 年第11 期:112-115

[5] 郑轶松、况漠,国有企业引入虚拟企业人力资源管理研究,西南交通大学学报,2005 年第5期:28-32

[6] 郑轶松、齐二石、于冬, 商业智能体系下的协同机制的研究,西北农林科技大学学报,2005 1 月,第5 1 期:106-109

[7] 郑轶松、齐二石、于冬,面向制造业企业的工作流管理系统设计方案研究,组合机床与自动化加工技术,2004 年第11 期:P41-42

[8] 郑轶松、裴小兵 ,数字化信息时代的人力资源管理,社会科学战线,2003 年,第六期:P46-48

[9] 何曙光、郑轶松、齐二石,复杂曲面拟合的相关向量机模型及其泛化能力分析,系统工程,第27卷(2009年)第12(总第192)

[10] 齐二石、郑晓东、郑轶松、李钢,基于Web的虚拟企业知识管理系统研究,工业工程,2006年,第1期;

[11] 王谦、黄双喜、郑轶松,面向信息化效益评价的信息价值微观分析,制造业自动化,2007年,第12期。

[12] 王书会、刘裕、郑轶松,我国铁路运输体制改革的对策分析,中华学术论坛,20052月(总第二十三期);







